3 Anti-Fitness habits to avoid this weekend!

Memorial day Weekend!!! The weekend we all fire up the barbecue, get out the coolers and open a cold one, right? Well think again my friends!!!

With the swimsuit season just around the bend, everyone is in fit-body-mode. The mode that says “hey, buddy! Your flab isn’t gonna be so pretty out on the beach. Time to make good on that new years resolution!” You know, the one where you may have enthusiastically declared “I’M LOSING 50 POUNDS THIS YEAR!” or “I’M HITTING THE GYM EVERY DAY, MY MAN, EVERY DAY!”

If you’ve actually stuck to those goals then, good on you! If you’ve just started then congratulations! If you haven’t started yet but want to make other people think you have then.. join the club! Just kidding.


No matter what stage you’re in, you’ll undoubtably still have some bad habits to kick. This weekend is a great weekend to kick the following:

  1. Drinking Calories. Soda/pop, coffee drinks, smoothies and fruit juices are filled with calories. Since liquids won’t give you a ‘full’ feeling, these drinks slide by without notice of how many extra calories you’re getting. Stick with water to avoid extra calories.
  2. Not Exercising!! Skipping the gym day after day, week after week, and month after month will lead to muscle loss and a reduced metabolism. Exercise 3-5 days per week to keep your muscles strong and metabolism high. That means your next visit after the parades should be the gym! Or your favorite workout spot.
  3. Eating a Heavy Dinner. Eating a large heavy dinner sets you up for weight gain. Instead of eating the majority of your calories late in the day, spread it out over the entire day. The grill will be hot for a long time! Don’t wait until the last minute to get all the meat you can. Be sure to be done before the sun goes down.

Most importantly, please don’t let this weekend go by without stopping to thank a veteran. If they’re in a wheelchair, or using a cane, don’t just pass by them. Let them know the damage they’ve suffered wasn’t all in vein. Applaud our soldiers as they pass by in the parade. Whether they’re home for good, or just home on leave, knowing they’re appreciated by at lease one clap, one wave, or a smile can give them hope in the darkest hour.

Happy Memorial Day Fitness Friends!

– Jay

Get Fit. Make Friends. Have Fun.